About ME!
Na Ong
Cat High
I love my guitar!

i love to see you dance
while i do the STRUMMING

SING to me

SING me a love song
sing it sweet
sing it STRONG

STRUM it to ME

Wish:Everyday to be a great day filled with music fun and laughter!
Fav musicians: Bon Jovi , Backstreets Boys, Show Luo, Jay Chou

sing with me

ok, YOU sing, i'll strum evolution - korn

winter, spring, summer or fall..
all you gotta do is call..
and i'll be there..
yes i WILL..
YOU'VE got a friend..


Layout: come
Design: strum
Image: my
Brushes: life
Fonts: away
Monday, May 26, 2008
Sec 3 camp review
Woohoo! Back frm camp, 4days 3 nights, feels like 2day 1 night though cos of all the travelling time mayb.
Day 1 : Took an 8 hours bus to Taman Negara, dam sian , tio harrassed by yuchen and qin en , they all two 'humping' at the back of the bus till the bus broke down, then had to change bus and squeeze with the rest of the grps. Spend the first night at the beach which is quite frigging hot in the tent but gradually the cool sea breeze cool us down.
Day 2: Started 52 km cycling in the morn , all the way through taman negara, gt owned by johno in the first 2 break points but i slowy overtook him in the last 2 break points cos he had cramp, but irwin is frigging fast, i tink he was in the top ten i tink with another guy the rest were all frm sports class , don also dam zai he pedal at constant speed sia nvr stop one even uphill also, expected to gt serious sunburn but suprisingly i turned out ok. :) nt that tanned after all.
Day 3: Rafting was like a serious letdown, there were like few rapids but the water confidence was dam fun especially rapid jumping .
Day 4: Took train back to spore, haha played daidi betting on hair and poor brandon had to cut slope, shave his armpit hair ana eyebrows. reach back hme at ard 3pm on sun, the end.

sang my troubles away @ 7:49 AM

Monday, May 19, 2008
POP celebrations

Had the official POP on fri 16 may ( FINALLY) , its our turn nw to take over. Grats to the new CSM- KEEFE TAN KWANG JOO ( woohoo) , ASM- Tan desheng ( woohoo) part c udi - don part b udi- yusheng part a udi- ek kiat. Went to pizza hut after POP to celebrate, 9 ppl eat $115 , ok lah , haha siyang gt scammed for his miserly pasta and me n don ate bang4 wang2 meal, our motto: pay less eat more. Haha kidding still hav to repay jj $$.

PICS TALK: 1- Double K's- keefe n kenneth

2- Haha me lookin like a moron

3,4,5- the many faces of desheng

sang my troubles away @ 7:06 AM

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Woohoo week 9!
Hell yeah 1 more wk left to sch holis but still hav sec 3 camp b4 tat! :) finally completed the sch musical last sat night. Backstage Creww roxx! i tink it shld be sufficient cip hrs for tis year man. Argh had 3rd lang oral ytd. teacher din listen to my reasons and i had to take oral though i din go for like 5 lessons, so screwed lah she had to speak to me in eng ( dam paiseh). but nvm tml still gt written paper. I hope to get above 40 tis time. Its better to keep expectations low so that the disappointment is less.

sang my troubles away @ 8:06 AM

Monday, May 5, 2008
Woohoo, i passed haircheck without looking like some monk, my passing of haircheck might br disputed but seriously my hair is short enuff already. :). (probably cept for my fringe which may juz go over the eyebrow by a tiny, weeny,little bit- estimate ard 0.1 cm) So it din get cut off, phew, luckiy ms tan say if she cut off my fringe over the eyebrow i would look like a nerd and i seriously agree with her judgement so i passed! i was leaping for joy on my way to hall, until i saw my scripts :( , phy was ok at least i din fail but it was nt satisfactory either, CSM owns with 93 marks, chinese was bad, barely passed my zuo wen n ying yong wen, luckily my paper 2 made up for it, so phew again. So once again thx everyone for ur presents again. :) Oh tis year's special, i can feel it.

sang my troubles away @ 6:12 AM

Saturday, May 3, 2008
Bird day celebration
yo peeps, i noe its been a long time but i believe in resurrection so here goes. I come armed with moi bday post. Juz wanna say thanks to all those people with their presents and birthday wishes, i appreciate them veri much and i wouldnt be me without them(in a positive way). It really was a memorable experience.

sang my troubles away @ 6:50 PM